JV Softball team bunts up to Red division

Journey Rosa

JV Softball assistant coach, Joshua Defreitas, works with the pitchers.

Moving up to a new division and the return of a former head coach is cause for excitement for the JV Softball team.

Returning Head Coach, Kalani Beck, has been coaching since 1996. Beck said that all the softball teams that he has been working with has improved over the years so he is looking forward to this school year and that is one of the many reasons why he also works as the security guard for NHIS.

“It is something that I love. I help guide students in how to play softball and how to become athletes,” said Beck.

The JV players say he does a really good job at teaching them how to play softball the correct way.

Brooke-Lynn Woolsey, JV player, said, ”Coach Beck is a good coach and that he explains things thoroughly. He doesn’t just put us on the field not knowing what to do. For example, this is my first year and as him as my coach he shows me where to go and how to play that position.”

This year, the team is moving up to the Red division.

Beck said the challenge is that the team has moved up to the Red division while having an inexperienced team with seven girls who have never played organized softball before.

“We just got bumped up to the red division which is one of the top divisions, so we have a lot of work cut out for us,” said Beck.

Beck is most proud of his players putting 110% in every practice and that they want to play. The participation of the girls and that they put their whole heart into it.

“Everyday the girls play with their whole heart and they never back down,” said Beck.

“The new coach teaches us not to just win, win, win, but he teaches us how to be a true
Team. It’s more like a sisterhood when it comes to game time. We know how everyone throws. We can adjust to everyone’s strengths and weaknesses,” said Brooke-Lyn Woolsey, sophomore player.

The team feels that they will follow through on what they started and be great student athletes for NHIS. They said that they will represent NHIS with great leadership and pride.

“I think we will get out there and do our best then bring the gold home to the valley.” said Woolsey.