Westside takes steps to help pets in the community
On October 11th, 2016 a class hosted by the Hawaii Humane Society was held at Nanakuli High and Intermediate School.
The class was hosted by Hawaii Humane Society educator, Shayna Vi.
The class taught students and adults skills that could help them in situations involving animals.
One of the topics were ways to make sure if a pet owner lost their pet, that the pet would be able to find their way back home.
Other topics that were covered ranged from spray and neuter to clarifying what is animal abuse..
Many students attended this event including students from other schools.
The event itself not only provided helpful tips and lessons but also three hours of community service for students who need it.
Two volunteers also brought in their well trained dogs just to show how happy one dog can be if owners just take care of them.
One of the volunteers, Alice Lenchanko, said, “For this event, I think it’s important that especially the younger people, elementary, intermediate and high are aware of the humane society and are aware of what happens in the community as far as animals, stray animals and neglected animals.”
Some students were brought to the event by their love for animals.
Students like Angelica Benicarlo, a freshman at NHIS, said, she didn’t come for community service hours but she wanted to learn. “It will teach me on how to take care of the animals in case that I want to say, volunteer.”
One of the goals for Vi was to convince kids and teens to volunteer or help out the Humane Society.
But along with that goal came other goals. Vi said, “Our goal is to educate as many youth as possible about animal welfare issues and get them thinking about how they can be change makers.”
This event is one of the first event relating to Hawaii Humane Society.
Jean Nishi, Student Activities Coordinator at NHIS, hopes this event will spawn other ideas to educate younger students. “We have artists in our school they could come up with stuff and it could be an informational thing like a coloring book. Graphic communication students can print it and we can distribute it down at the elementary school. There’s so many neat ideas we could do.”