Staff Editorial: Lockout the Lockout
Lockout procedure hurting students
Entrance to lockout in the NHIS cafe.
Lockout is where NHIS high school students who are tardy are sent to the cafe where they sit until the bell rings.
The students need to have all electronics put away and silenced. After going to lockout four times, students have to stand the whole period.
But students have figured out a loophole to get out of lockout.
They don’t come to school at all or just wait outside of campus till the bell rings for the next period and make it to that class on time.
Lockout is not effective in motivating students to get to class.
Every time students either don’t come to school or are sent to lockout they miss out on lessons that are being taught in their classes which affects their grade.
Many students are either waiting at the graveyard for the bell to ring so that they can come back on campus on time for their next class or just not coming to school at all.
Students in lockout are expected to go to see their teacher for the work they missed during study hall after school. But in reality, the students just go home and forget about getting the makeup work.
If there were no lockout policy, students could enter the class late and would be able to get their work and lessons.
Lockout prevents students from getting any education because they are being held out of class.
The reason why students don’t come to school is because they don’t understand what their teachers are trying to teach and they think their classes are boring.
How can we fix this?
Teachers should spice things up by having more classroom activities.
For example in English classes, students could act out the story they are reading or writing.
In math, students could draw a picture to help them better understand the concept of what they are learning.
In social studies, students could reenact historical events.
Making classes fun and active will keep students engaged, focused, and help them understand the work in front of them.
Students also say they don’t understand what is being taught because they learn differently.
Some students learn by reading, some by seeing them in pictures, while others need to write the notes down.
Other students learn by doing hands on activities such as work with puzzle pieces to understand the idea.
Many teachers teach by lecturing and have students take notes. But students need teachers to explain difficult ideas in a easier way for students to understand.
Teachers should be required to teach in more than one way so students don’t feel frustrated and bored.
This will help students who come tardy or don’t come to school because they will feel happy and excited to go to class because they will feel smarter.
Finally, when students do go to class on time, many teachers don’t start class right away when the bell rings. So students feel like they don’t need to be in class on time and some students even walk out of class. Teachers need to begin teaching from the moment the bell rings to the bell that ends the period.
NHIS needs to look at other ways besides lockout to bring students to class on time.
Vincent Marfil • Oct 4, 2016 at 4:01 pm
Basically, LOCKOUT was for students that are TARDY to school.
Students that are TARDY, enter class and disrupts the class and teacher needs to stop and explain lessons from the start.
Majority of the STUDENTS in LOCKOUT also have ATTENDANCE situations.