The NHIS JROTC cadet key leaders for SY 23-24 participated in a JROTC Cadet Leadership Seminar during the period 25 – 28 July 2023. The training was conducted at the Nanakuli High and Intermediate School JROTC department. The training seminar was designed to prepare JROTC cadet key leaders for their respective leadership roles and responsibilities within the Nanakuli High School JROTC Golden Hawk Battalion. Cadet participants gained important leadership skills and “tools”, required to effectively lead their subordinates throughout the upcoming school year. The cadet participants learned Leadership Principles and Concepts, how to prepare Operations Orders, conduct formal Drill and Ceremonies, preparation of Cadet Performance Assessments, Decision-Making processes, overview of the JROTC Unit Management System (JUMS), and reviewed/developed their JROTC Master Calendar of events for SY 23-24. They also made time to refresh themselves with Archery range operations and Rope Bridge construction procedures. All cadet participants received JROTC Certificates of Training at the conclusion of their seminar.
This year’s JROTC Cadet Leadership Seminar participants included:
- Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Tiare DeRego (Battalion Commander)
- Cadet Major Caleb Colburn (Battalion Executive Officer)
- Cadet Command Sergeant Major Richard Federico (Battalion Command Sergeant Major)
- Cadet Captain Destin Aholelei (Alpha Company Commander)
- Cadet Captain Dustin Upfold (Bravo Company Commander)
- Cadet Second Lieutenant Jhonas Idris Arista (Battalion S-2, Security Officer)
- Cadet Second Lieutenant Lehua Kalahiki-Umiamaka (Battalion S-3, Operations Officer)
- Cadet First Lieutenant Radztin Ledward-Quizon (Battalion S-4, Logistics Officer)
- Cadet Second Lieutenant Ann Oloialii (Battalion S-5, Public Affairs Officer)
- Cadet Second Lieutenant Catalina Naki-Alforte (Battalion S-6, College & Career Officer)
- Cadet First Sergeant Kaleokalani Gomes-McKeague (Alpha Company First Sergeant)
Kulia I Ka Nu’u! I Mua Golden Hawks!