Color Guard students demonstrate pride and responsibility
The NHIS JROTC Color Guard, comprised of students Djay Louis, Kainalu Glushenko, Andrew Koniske, and Devaughn Redd (pictured left to right).
The NHIS JROTC Color Guard, comprised of students Djay Louis, Kainalu Glushenko, Andrew Koniske, and Devaughn Redd, presented the National and State Colors for the playing of the National Anthem and Hawaii Pono’i during the Welcome Back Assembly on Friday, August 10.
Because the nature of the Color Guard is a position of responsibility and pride, it is an honor to be selected to be a member of the Color Guard. These students have demonstrated pride in themselves, their school, and their nation, and are therefore worthy of this task.
It was also very special to these students to experience, because while Louis and Glushenko have previously done the Color Gaurd in past events, it was Koniske and Redd’s first time conducting such an event, and with little time to rehearse for it.
These students had to work harder to ensure they presented the Colors with the utmost pride and professionalism, during the assembly. They represent the best of NHIS and helped kick off the school year in a positive light. Hooah!